Bitcoin’s Promethean Renaissance
The oldest tragedy.
Man’s genius sacrificed on the pyre.
His fire consumed. His vision squandered.
His wealth betrayed and maligned.
And the masses conspire unthinkingly,
yielding the greatest of all technology
to a capricious, shadowy cabal.
For eons, the great achievements of his bright forge
were diverted to the undeserving.
The fruits of his genius averted his people.
The greatest tools of his race purloined,
and he, pried from his true nature,
the visionary of the deep future…
…the axle of his great wheel
stuck in dishonesty, fear and grasping,
the wheel rolled through his generations
toward alienation, derangement and war.
In 2009, a drop from that bright forge fell.
Its molten truth hissed the restoration
of his noble and beautiful nature once again.
Today, the heroic ideal, of Man as seer of the future,
primordial creator, has finally been unchained.
The eagle has been shot from the sky.
He looks onward to the peaks,
generous and speared with celestial light.
In every moment, great choirs sing
of new opportunity.
Of new triumph.
As dawn’s rose fingers touch the sky,
the future is gleaming with abundance,
with honor, with monuments dedicated to
Man in his truest form, to noble culture,
wresting unto himself his birthright,
the elegance and might
of his imagination and work.
Unbinding human purpose…
Humanity has the tendency to congeal. It is as though the engineers of Genesis picked us out from a herding troupe and biochemically installed a flicker of individuation. It still has not completely uploaded into the human system. And yet those who come in contact with some great emergent power and beauty, some figment of the awe inspiring, both within one’s nature and in the nature of things, those who came in contact with it as the deepest experiential root of individuation, defend it with more tenacity than any other aspect of life is defended.
For this Promethean mineral is the launching off point for all economic and industrial achievement, all great artworks, invention, and civilization itself. This mineral imbues us with a sense of “I.” It imbues us with the power to undergo ordeals for the sake of roundabout acts of creation. It gives us low time preference, and the capacity to see onward into the future and to map our vision onto that future such that it becomes so. All the gestalt and meta truth of the world, the “methea”, this mineral is the quantum which precedes it all.
As the always-preceding force it never rests and never exhausts. It cannot be bottled or chained, and no primitive attempts to bind it into stasis ever succeed, from the pyramids on to cement Soviet apartment blocks, the dynamic force of individuation is always emerging upward like the bottled lightning of creative destruction.
ECB president Christine Lagarde described that innovation, and by extension individuation, is too disruptive for the financial system to handle. She was precisely correct.
This reflects the attitudes of a shadowy cabal which has endeavored evermore aggressively to engineer artificial scarcity on humanity through the shackles of a monetary framework rooted in counterfeit for the sake of forcing Man into stasis against his most profound and triumphant nature. If Man’s accumulation in his capacity to compound the value of his innovation and technocapitalism were allowed to run free, without its blood being sapped by monetary leeches, the flywheel of Man’s creative power would whirl ruthlessly throughout the cosmos and not only beyond the confines of a contrived 16th century banking convention, but beyond the imagination itself.
At the very least, beginning in 2008, a 2% inflation target compounded over the course of the 50 year career span of today’s millennials would cost $24.5 trillion in lost wealth, or 45% of the entire national wealth that year. As the apex reserve asset, should bitcoin offset this, it would by its meager self yield a $1.15M bitcoin price. And what if the inflation rate is 7-10%?

Institutional counterfeiting is the staging ground for every invasion of our lands. Political threats to the banking cabal have triggered an engineered collapse of Western borders allowing invasions by the 10s of millions to disenfranchise citizens of Western countries with people who have only ever known the failed currencies of low trust regimes. Meanwhile, when current and fiscal account inversions and twin deficits in China threaten the Hong Kong dollar thoroughfare for inbound Western capital, a globally coordinated virus and lockdown served as the pretext for $7 trillion in new counterfeiting, 40% of all currency ever created until that moment. If Hussein threatened to trade oil in euros, or Gaddafi in gold, if Russia or Iran refused to finance the US treasury with USD trade surpluses, we all see how they fared.
In “Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market,” Murray Rothbard illustrates how war serves as a pretext for central bank money printing. War lifts the usual restraints on government spending due to the perceived urgency for military spending. Public opposition to inflationary finance diminishes during wartime if the priority is national survival. How convenient for the state. While not by contriving wars from thin air, today, states contrive and enact national emergencies in order to trigger a war mindset, inducing a bunker mentality and a kind of psychological containment strategy against the power of Man’s creative destruction. Meanwhile, this apparatus is used to fund the bribing of our countrymen with welfarism which entombs them in the stasis of low creativity, lack of agency and withered expectations.

And yet, Man has a deeply ingrained psychospiritual connection and intuition for technocapitalism. The wealth storage media is the junior partner of innovation and creativity. Until now, the artifact of money to transport wealth through time has been a product of law and language, the ultimate tools of manipulation and sedition. Low trust nations fail to produce effective currencies, and the moderately effective currencies of high trust nations are the target of parasitism.
The Bernie Madoff fiasco demonstrated the necessity for distributed counterparties in financial transactions. Yet as this concern continued rising to the level of the central bank and the lending cartel, it was conveniently forgotten. So bitcoin makes electricity and computation a distributed counterparty instead. And unlike members of the lending cartel who collude to commit double spending against you, bitcoin miners compete to offer you electron-based impervious ledger security for an ever-falling fee.
In 2009 a molten drop fell from that Promethean Forge. A money based on physics, electrons and mathematics, the money that makes nature itself Man’s great counterparty – not states or banking cabals. The system which may have had utility inside the walls of Jericho is replaced lock stock and barrel with a symphony of the atomic age.
Sound money is the handmaiden of the Promethean flywheel. The human ecosystem has been held in the state of dysgenic bondage. Sound money unlocks the productivity of billions, which would otherwise be drained from the world long before most of humanity could add their value contribution into its purchasing power.
Creative capacity is infinite. But allocating to future endeavor must be discounted in relation to accumulated capital stores of the past. The more sound capital accumulated, the lower the discount rate, the farther into the future we project. The prime directive of this generations promethean men is to install into a human future and impervious money which holds as its counterparty the cosmic order.
The most powerful result is that sound money spurs on the enterprising industriousness of the most productive, innovative, and far-seeing among us. Those aspects of rare talent and individuation which are Mankind’s most profound resource can be unbound from stasis and proliferated through falling capital costs, greater courage, the elevated spirit which seeks greater arcs of creative endeavor, and ever-falling prices.
Sound money is the means of porting heroic achievement to the distant corners of the globe, outward into the cosmos, and most profoundly, forward in time into the great generations beyond. It is the means of imprinting this sacred vision and these ideals onto nature as we were born to. Sound money is the arrowpoint of our Manifest Destiny.
Bitcoin serves as the new Gutenberg press for a Promethean Renaissance of archaic forces whirling themselves with industriousness into the future. Of course, in a meaningful sense, this form of sound money allows us to bypass the statism which exists to steal our future-seeing power, muscularity and inventiveness. But more essentially, it allows Man to bypass stasis itself, and thus to overcome themselves.
The old religions which worship stasis and herding, those byproducts of our simian past, which leave stranded Man’s most profound ethical obligations, his most resonant ethos, can be at last ignored. The pictures of a Promethean future mustn’t be so utopian. But they will be. That vision and foresight, Man’s greatest gift, evermore clearly imprints itself on the state of the world through sound money. In this new realm, sound money will operate in the background of human affairs just as gravity remains unconsidered to our legs and sunlight moves silently through the boughs of the trees.
This moment deserves a great inauguration. We envision a heroic monument as the lightning rod, as the ground zero, as the point of incipient energy for this new Renaissance. A figure which holds aloft the symbol of Man’s Dharma, the flywheel of invention and heroic, creative purpose, together with the symbol of sound money: a Promethean torch and its flame.